[asterisk-users] How to install HUDLite Server

Nicolás Gudiño asternic at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 05:46:21 MST 2006

> And also it would be nice to have more detailed instructions on how to
> upgrade FOP.

This belongs to FOP mailing list... but anyways:

0) backup your previous install, just in case
1) replace op_server.pl
2) replace operator_panel.swf
3) read UPGRADE, you might need to add 3 or 4 new parameters to
op_style.cfg and maybe op_server.cfg and op_buttons.cfg. Those
parameters are usually optional, so this step is probably optional.
4) restart the panel

If you are upgrading for an old version and you are using an outdated
version of FreePBX/AMP, you might need to modify the script that
generate the config file (retrieve_op_conf_from_mysql.pl) in order to
display queue activity, because queue buttons where renamed from
[queuename] to [QUEUE/quename]. That script is part of AMP/FreePBX,
not FOP.

All of this is documented somehow in the tarball, online documentation.

You are always welcome to improve the documentation if you feel is
innacurate or incomplete, make translations, etc.

And if you do not have time to do custom mods, you can hire someone to
do it for you... ;)

Best regards,

Nicolás Gudiño
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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