[asterisk-users] Linksys SPA-942 + Asterisk 1.2.10 = Inability
to transfer calls
Rich Adamson
radamson at routers.com
Wed Sep 6 21:59:38 MST 2006
Dan Serban wrote:
> I have a system running Asterisk 1.2.10 (Debian packaging) and about 50
> Linksys SPA-942 phones, after the initial config and mass deployment of
> the phones everything looks like it's configured well.
> When an incoming call is answered and then attempted to be "xfer'ed" via
> the soft button on the phone itself, it seems that if you hit the button
> twice in quick succession, there is no problem (effectively a blind
> transfer), if then I try to tell the other extension that "Joe is
> calling to sell you a fridge" and hit xfer, the calling party cannot
> hear what that person at the extension is saying. Sometimes the tables
> are fully turned, the caller can hear, but the operator can't hear a thing.
> One thing's for sure, if you hit the button quickly (blind transfer) it
> works no problem at all.
> This is what I see asterisk saying when I transfer the call unsuccessfully.
> == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on
> 'SIP/82-006d42a0<ZOMBIE>' in macro 'stdexten'
> == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on
> 'SIP/82-006d42a0<ZOMBIE>'
> I've looked at the macro with a fine tooth comb, I cannot see any
> problems with it whatsoever, (though that doesn't mean that my ignorance
> isn't getting in the way).
> I found some mention on the digium mantis bug tracker, here's the link:
> http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=7421
> Before I try and patch the source (which I'm hesitant to do since I run
> the debian packages), is there another solution or maybe an unidentified
> issue that I haven't been able to decipher?
I had somewhat the same issue today, but in my case any attempt to do
the transfer resulted in a busy signal. Removing call-limit=1 from the
sip definitions corrected the problem.
Since you are getting past the point of dialing the extension that you
are transferring the call to, the problem sounds more like either phone
configuration issues or something in the network blocking data flows in
one or the other direction.
Are all the phones and asterisk on the same network with no firewalls,
nat, etc?
As far as hitting the transfer button twice, that doesn't work here. The
first press for the transfer is the transfer function, but the second
press results in -dnd (since the softkeys changed right after the first
press). The spa941/942's here are almost 100% default config's running
the latest firmware (as of a couple of days ago).
I'm running v1.2.10 also, however the source code was installed via SVN
checkout and I've done several 'make update' to pull the most current fixes.
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