[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Bootcamp in Europe :: June 12-16 and the Asterisk SIP Masterclass in Chicago, July 2006

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Wed May 31 04:59:29 MST 2006

** Asterisk Bootcamp in Stockholm, Sweden

The next Asterisk Training is the Edvina.net Asterisk Bootcamp - the  
class we have been giving for over a year under the brand name  
"Astricon Training". The same teacher, the same material and a new name.

All students have a PC and will install a fully working Asterisk PBX.  
During the week, we will build a business PBX configuration as well  
as more advanced configurations using E1/PRI, SIP and IAX2 protocols.

Stockholm in June is a wonderful city with lots of activity, lots of  
sunshine and Asterisk techies :-)

Facts about this training:

Teacher: Olle E. Johansson, Asterisk developer and trainer.
Material: Training slides (over 300 pages), The Asterisk Quick  
Reference Guide
Dates: June 12-16 (starting 10 AM Monday, ending noon friday)
Options: dCAP exam friday afternoon, June 16th
Price: 2.500 Euro (ex VAT). 200 Euro (ex VAT) for dCAP.
All trainings are pre-paid. Register by e-mail to info at edvina.net today.

For more information, please visit our web site.

** The Asterisk SIP Masterclass :: Building SIP infrastructures with  

The Asterisk SIP Masterclass is a new class we're launching in July.  
It requires knowledge of
Asterisk and starts on a higher level than the bootcamp. The class is  
held by

* Olle E. Johansson, Asterisk SIP developer
* Terry Wilson, a consultant with experience from provider SIP networks

The class agenda is being worked on now, but will include:

* Asterisk basics - a recap
* SIP - an introduction to the protocol
* SIP proxys and network infrastructure
* The Asterisk SIP channel - introduction
* Traversing firewalls and NAT devices
* Key system functionality
* SIP phones - audio and video
* Building a SIP network with Asterisk and SIP proxys
* SIP test tools

As the bootcamp, this class will involve a lot of labs.

At this point, we're opening up for early bird registration on this  
class. Since we have not finalized
the product sheets, you are taking some chance, but will get a lower  
price. For registrations before June 15th,
refering to this mail, you will get the class for 2950 USD (plus VAT  
in Europe). The regular price is
3500 USD. Find out more about this class on our web site, http:// 

See you on the trainings!

Best regards,

* Olle E. Johansson - oej at edvina.net
* Asterisk Training http://edvina.net/training/

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