[Asterisk-Users] Re: Re: E1 hardware for asterisk

Christian Victor christian at victormedia.de
Tue May 30 06:41:38 MST 2006

>> Well - the Junghanns does the echocancel in software and the Sangoma
>> A104d does it in hardware.
> Alright, i just had a look at their product lineup. It seems as not only
> the A104d but also the low end of their E1 cards (i.e. A101) comes with
> this onbard echo canceller (EDAC), right?

No - the A104d and A108d are Sangomas only E1 cards with hardware echo

The analog A200 has (optional) hardware EC too.

>> So on the Sangoma echo cancel does not affect CPU performance while on
>> the Junghanns it does.
> And in terms of quality? Does one of them perform noticable better than
> the other.

Well - I am not sure how the EC in the Jun ghanns driver is implemented.
If you have unlimited CPU power (or the hardware EC is very bad
implemented) it could be of the same quality.

In fact the Sangoma has 128ms echo cancel per channel. As far as I know
neither the Digum harware echo cancel nor the available software
solutions offers this.


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