[Asterisk-Users] hints/subscriptions accross IAX

Faris Raouf asterisk at raouf.net
Fri May 26 07:35:35 MST 2006

(I hope this isn't html - Thunderbird is so annoying)

I'm new to using hints/subscriptions on * so please be patient with me.

I have two * systems in different geographic locations, connected via IAX

Location1 has a Polycom 600 and a GXP-2000 phone

Location 2 has a single GXP-2000.

With the latest GS firmware, at Location1 I've managed to get an LED to 
light up on the GS phone when a line on the Polycom is in use. This is 

But I need to get an LED to light up on a GS in Location2 when a line on 
the Polycom at Location1 is in use. Is this possible? If so, can anybody 
give me any pointers as to how?


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