[Asterisk-Users] VoIP provider for Turkey from India with Asterisk

Brian C. Fertig brian at planet-telecom.com
Fri May 26 06:37:58 MST 2006

Plainvoip has a very good A-Z and I have found they are fairly


They also offer TollFree orig and some local dids.  


www.plainvoip.com <http://www.plainvoip.com/> 




From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Crazy Boy
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:21 AM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] VoIP provider for Turkey from India with


Hi Friends,

At present, I am using VoIPJET.COM provider for make calls to USA. I
have two doubts.

1) I am unable to make call to UK Mobile phone. Why?

2) I want to make calls to "Turkey" country from "India". With VoIPJET,
I am unable to make call to "Turkey" and unable to find VoIP provider
for Turkey. Please tell me VoIP Provider for Turkey from India.

Looking forward for your response.



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