[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk@home default password doesn't match

Steve Jones sjones at ftdata.com
Wed May 17 11:06:12 MST 2006

It's possible that for security reasons, it doesn't let you log on remotely with the default passwords.  From the console, change the password to something else unique, and it should work. 


You should probably do each of these:


passwd-maint            set master password for web GUI

passwd-amp              set password for amp only

passwd-meetme           set password for Web MeetMe only

passwd                  set root password for console login

passwd admin            set admin password for checking system mail


btw:  I got this with the help-aah command...  Lots of good starting points there!!





From: Laura Barquín [mailto:laura.barquin.bernal at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:18 AM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk at home default password doesn't match


Hi all,


This is my first post! I'm newbie, yesterday I installed Asterisk at home, and I got lot of Kernel panics, after trying to reinstall it, this messages dissapeared. My problem now is that the default password for maint user in AMP is not working... I got this error message when I try to connect via another computer in the same network, after trying to log -> maint/password: 



You don't have permissions to access /main on this server


Thanks in advance!



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