[Asterisk-Users] Re: poor state of IAX2 code? (was: why a per fectlyfine iax2 host becomes UNREACHABLE?)

Colin Anderson ColinA at landmarkmasterbuilder.com
Tue May 9 07:32:24 MST 2006

> If I did not resort to SIP for inter-asterisk communications 
> I would be out of a job at this time.
>I fully confirm! I moved to SIP for an Asterisk-to-Asterisk trunk and my
>problems flied away...

Funny, I was talking to the CTO of a small CLEC and we were talking about
Asterisk, I told him about my setup and my use of IAX, and his comment was
about IAX was such a neat idea but SIP was 100% the way to go, that the
industry would gravitate towards SIP to the excusion of every other standard
including IAX. He then concluded by saying that SIP in Asterisk was horribly
broken! lol you are screwed no matter what you do. 

Anyway, it's the same with anything about Asterisk, depending upon
circumstances, hardware, competence of maintainer, net connection, luck,
YMMV with any given feature. I've had good luck with IAX, it's a hell of a
lot easier to deal with than SIP. 

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