[Asterisk-Users] Transferring calls between two Asterisk Servers

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Tue May 9 07:25:44 MST 2006

Has anyone gotten around the general problem where you have multiple Asterisk servers in a cluster, any of which may take a call. If you transfer a call from one Asterisk system to another, the second has no idea of the first call, and the first refuses to release the call and logs:

May  5 12:40:49 NOTICE[2864]: chan_sip.c:6758 get_refer_info: Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid '7df42620-54e177de-4eaf29 at xxx.187.128.19'.  Both legs must reside on Asterisk box to transfer at this time.

I know there's bugs open on this.


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