[Asterisk-Users] Session Border Controller (SBC)

scott scott at mysecretworld.co.uk
Sun May 7 23:14:41 MST 2006

Hello to All

I have been trialling a SBC for my VoIP solution but the problem I have is that the SBC needs to have an entry in the sip.conf inorder for the asterisk to accept registration requests from the SBC.

This is ok if I only have one company registering as the entry in sip.conf for the SBC needs to have a context specified therefore I cannot have different companies registering through the SBC as they will all end up hitting the asterisk and being seen as the same context.

When I had users register direct to the asterisk there would be an entry for each user in the sip.conf which would tell asterisk which context that paritcular user/extension was in so I could then have different extensions, services etc on a per company basis.

Does anyone use another SBC piece of hardware or have another solution for SBC or have any idea on how I can over come the issue above. I hope I have explained it well enough, if not please do not hesitate to fire some questions at me.

Many Thanks
Scott Pinhorne

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