[Asterisk-Users] PRI Transfer Disconnect

John D. Coleman jcoleman at swecu.com
Tue May 2 13:40:32 MST 2006

Hey everyone,
I have a TE110P card hooked up to a PRI and about 40 Grandstream GXP
2000 phones using it.  Whenever we transfer an incoming call using the
builtin GXP2000 transfer button or using the Asterisk blind transfer,
the caller is disconnected if the extension is busy.  Is this how blind
transfers are supposed to work? I am trying to find a way to ensure that
if the extension is not picked up the caller still goes to voicemail.
I am using asterisk 1.2.4
PRI portion of my zaptel.conf:
PRI portion of my zapata.conf:
channel => 1-23

As a side question: Would it be possible to create a blind transfer
application using the application map in features.conf?
Thanks in advance,
John Coleman
jcoleman at swecu.com
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