[Asterisk-Users] FreePBX in production?

Kerry Garrison support at techdatapros.com
Mon May 1 11:48:25 MST 2006

	> There are still some basic things missing (for example if you
don't use 
	> voicemail it is not possible to set a destination for the call if
	> answered, you have to create a ring group for each extension to
	> around it, this is a major issue)

	Remco - take a look at the Follow Me module I added. It is basically
a presonal ring group for each extension. If you want to do the above, just
define the Follow-Me settings to ring your own extension (or more if you
want) and then choose any destination you want. It effectively does 'creat a
ring group for each extensions' that wants one, but it does it in such a way
as to be separate and work side by side with normal ringgroups, and there is
a direct link between it and the extension (or user) so that navigation is
very easy as you can bounce back and forth with a single mouse click.

Many people have talked about limitations of freePBX and how you cant do
custom things. Both Phillip and I attacked the follow-me function this week
with his using personal ring groups and mine using personal call queues (see
article at http://voipspeak.net) to simulate the functionaly of the locate
function from CallManager. Both solutions used only freePBX functionality to
acocmplish two relativly complex tasks that many people have been struggling
to create with just the config files. That speaks to the flexibility of
using the system. Sure there are bound to be limitations that may prevent
some type of functionality, no system is perfect, but it does cover far more
than just a few small businesses.

Kerry Garrison
Director of Technical Services
Tech Data Pros - Orange County's Mobile IT Service Provider
(949) 502-7819 x200 - kerryg at techdatapros.com

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