[Asterisk-Users] How to create [new_context] in extensions.conf?

Larry Alkoff labradley at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 23 16:35:24 MST 2006

Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:18:15PM -0600, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> It _appears_ that the only way to create valid [context] is by a
>> context = line in sip.conf.
>> Is there another way to create a [new_context] in extensions.conf so I 
>> can dial from it?
> manually with an editor ?
> or i don't understand the question.

With an editor.  I've done that but extens => in the created [contexts] 
are not seen or used by Asterisk so they won't dial out.


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Slackware Linux

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