Andrew D Kirch
trelane at trelane.net
Wed Mar 22 11:05:11 MST 2006
Andrew D Kirch
Indianapolis, United States
Good day,
I am Mr. Andrew D Kirch, a native of Indianpolis, United States and I am
an Asterisk Hacker with the
Summit Open Source Development Group. First and foremost,I apologized
using this medium to reach you for a transaction/business of this magnitude,
but this is due to Confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this
medium. Be informed that a member of the #asterisk channel on Freenode who
is well familiar with you gave your enviable credentials/particulars to
me. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the
execution of the deal described Hereunder for the benefit of all parties
and hope you will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this
Within the Summit Opensource Development group I work as the Security
Administrator and with the cooperation of other top officials, we have
in our possession a Follow Me script which simply does not work More so,
we are handicapped in the circumstances, as we havn't a clue how to fix
it, hence your importance in the whole transaction.
This script located below works in entirety with the exception of the
database store function found here "exten => 2,3,Set($ { DB(
forward/${CALLERIDNUM} ) = ${FORWARD} } )"
Also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful
execution of this transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and
hope that you will not disappoint me. Endeavor to contact me immediately
through my e- mail: to confirm whether or not you are interested in this
Once again,remember that time is of great essence in this transaction.
I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew D Kirch
exten => s,1,Playback(forward/extension-forwarding)
;Extension Forwarding
exten => s,2,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM}<300]?s,5)
;since 1xx is the pattern match for internal extensions anything less
than 300 has to be internal so we already know that that is the
extension they are wanting to forward
exten => s,3,Read(CALLERIDNUM,foward/please-ent-exten,3)
;if it's not have the user enter their 3 digit enternal extension
;please enter the extension you want to forward
exten => s,4,SayNumber(${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => s,5,Background(forward/extension-fwd-menu)
;to hear your current extension forward options press 1, to forward your
phone press 2, to cancel your forwarding press 3
exten => 1,1,Set(FORWARD=${DB(forward/${CALLERIDNUM})})
exten => 1,2,NoOp(FORWARD is ${FORWARD})
exten => 1,3,GotoIf($[${FORWARD}>0]?100,3)
exten => 1,4,Playback(forward/your-ext-not-forward)
;your extension is not currently forwarded
exten => 1,5,Goto(Forward,s,5)
;back to main menu
exten => 100,1,Playback(forward/your-ext-forward)
exten => 100,2,SayDigits(${FORWARD})
;your extension is currently forwarded to <extension>
exten => 100,3,Goto(Forward,s,5)
;back to main menu
exten => 2,1,Read(FORWARD,forward/please-ent-exten)
exten => 2,2,NoOp(FORWARD is ${FORWARD})
exten => 2,3,Set($ { DB( forward/${CALLERIDNUM} ) = ${FORWARD} } )
exten => 2,4,NoOp(forward/${CALLERIDNUM} is ${
DB(forward/${CALLERIDNUM} ) } )
exten => 2,5,Playback(forward/your-ext-forward-saved)
;your extension forward has been saved
exten => 2,6,Goto(Forward,s,5)
exten => 3,1,DBdel(forward/${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => 3,2,PlayBack(forward/exten-forward-cancel)
; your extension forward has been deleted.
exten => 3,3,Goto(Forward,s,1)
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