[Asterisk-Users] Annoying Asterisk Realtime Limitation

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Sun Mar 19 10:56:26 MST 2006

Well, this is a major pain in the ass.

I got realtime static working for sip.conf. 'Great!' I thought. That was until I realised I couldn't use it. 

Our Asterisk systems are using OSPF and listen on interface lo:1. Asterisk doesn't like to use an interface name for it's bindaddr setting, so you have to put the IP address of lo:1 in there. If you put in, it seems to listen on the first interface it finds, probably eth0. You can't do that with OSPF because it's load balancing and traffic can come over eth1 instead. 

If you point all your Asterisk systems to a single table for sip.conf, what do you put in the binaddr setting? You can't use the systems IP address at lo:1, because they're all different, and you can't use or lo:1. The only solution is to have one sip.conf table for every Asterisk system... 5 in our case.

Anyway, so I went back to a plain text file for sip.conf. What a dissapointment.


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