[Asterisk-Users] Voice volume using Monitor application

Jonathan Addleman jonathan.addleman at mail.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 17 10:48:39 MST 2006

Jeff Hoppe wrote:
> When you say that you tweaked the volumes, is that modifying the
> Asterisk code to call sox and soxmix or are you mixing outside of
> Asterisk.  Also, I used Sox to increase the volume and then Soxmix to
> mix the two audio files. Is there a way to just use soxmix to
> increase the volume on one file (if there is I couldn’t figure it
> out)?

I just did it in an external script, using the -v option in soxmix.

i.e. soxmix -v 1.5 quietfile.wav loudfile.wav combined.wav

> FYI - I also tried to run soxmix and sox from the dialplan but it
> wouldn’t run all the time.  It depends on which party hung up first,
> which you can’t control

Strange... I never used it this way, because I needed the files combined 
right away (Monitor is actually writing to a named pipe which other 
programs read).

Jon-o Addleman

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