[Asterisk-Users] res_musiconhold.c: Only wrote -1 of 640 bytes to pipe // no queue music

MorelCom morel.mosolff at native-instruments.com
Thu Mar 9 10:01:09 MST 2006

Hi all,

I setup a new  asterisk machine and all is working fine for maybe 10 days
Today there was the problem that nobody can hear the music during you are
waiting in a/the queue/s. Only silence was the answer.

Then I want to shutdown asterisk with "stop now" and nothing happends

After killing asterisk and restarting everything is ok but I'm realy
interested in what happends . Maybe someone has an idea

Asterisk 1.2.4, kernel 2.6.14, zaptel-1.2.4,...

This is what I see in the log:

  ------ snip -----
Mar  9 15:30:26 DEBUG[31301] res_musiconhold.c: Only wrote -1 of 640 bytes to
Mar  9 15:30:26 DEBUG[31301] res_musiconhold.c: Only wrote -1 of 640 bytes to
Mar  9 15:30:26 DEBUG[31301] res_musiconhold.c: Only wrote -1 of 640 bytes to
  ------ snip -----

Thanks for any help or ideas


-> Morel Mosolff             -> Network-/System-Technician
-> NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH   -> morel.mosolff at native-instruments.de
-> Schlesische Strasse 28    -> http://www.native-instruments.de/
-> D-10997 Berlin            -> Tel. +49-30-61 10 35-1712
-> Germany                   -> Fax  +49-30-61 10 35-2712


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