[Asterisk-Users] about operator

Olivier Krief olivier.krief at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 13:08:23 MST 2006


Thinking back to your question, Andrea, I'm really wondering whether or not 
software solutions like FOP could or would ever scale to serve, for example, 
a 200 seats, full time receptionist.

Obviously, software is flexible and with a suitable keyboard and a smart 
software-hardware integration, it seems technically achievable to provide in 
the long run, a descent receptionist solution.

But I think drivers to make this happen are simply missing.
Some companies sell headphones, others sell monitors, other sell telephony 
solutions but I'm not aware of any company getting a large share of its 
revenues from receptionists.

So, my opinion is that no one is really investing time and money to design 
Asterisk or multivendor receptionist tools or products.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <asterisk at frameweb.it>
To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] about operator

>I am sorry, but I don't understand the answer.
> At least in Italy Human resources department doesn't undertand a bit about
> Hardware supported by asterisk.
> We are moving a medium factory from a traditional pbx to an asterisk
> solution.
> The Human operator now has a kind of hardware.
> I would like to know which new kind of hardware  he'll have.
> The software solution provided by FOP, as said by Bartosz Piec, is not 
> bad,
> but I think that a kind of hw device like the ones that
> are usually present at the operator seat could be better.
> I will check the solution suggested by "Olivier Krief"
> <olivier.krief at gmail.com> (thank you very much !)
> Andrea
>             "C F"
>             <shmaltz at gmail.co
>             m>                                                         To
>             Sent by:                  "Asterisk Users Mailing List -
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>             m.com                                                      cc
>                                                                   Subject
>             01/03/2006 14.10          Re: [Asterisk-Users] about operator
>             Please respond to
>              Asterisk Users
>              Mailing List -
>              Non-Commercial
>                Discussion
>             <asterisk-users at l
>             ists.digium.com>
> I think this question can only be answered by Human Resources department.
> On 3/1/06, asterisk at frameweb.it <asterisk at frameweb.it> wrote:
>> I would like to know which kind of solutions are available, both software
>> and hardware, for human operator in an asterisk environment.
>> The operator should be able to provide the basic standard operation, like
>> to transfer calls and to see if the extensions are busy or not and so on.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrea
>> Chi ricevesse questa mail per errore e' gentilmente pregato di
> cancellarla.
>> Visitate il sito http://www.frameweb.it
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