[Asterisk-Users] A room full of Cisco 7960s behind NAT

Ed Greenberg edg at greenberg.org
Wed Mar 1 09:38:32 MST 2006

--On Wednesday, March 01, 2006 3:00 AM -0600 Rich Adamson 
<radamson at routers.com> wrote:

> The 7960 SIPDefault.cnf has a line like this:
> ; nat_enable: 0                   ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled
> to control the nat function "at the phone".
> Since I'm not the OP but do have multiple 7960's behind nat boxes,
> I had to comment out the above line from the *.cnf file and then make
> the selection from the phone's front panel. (That is primarily because
> some 7960's are not behind nat boxes while others are, and the
> SIPDefault.cnf file is shared by all phones.)
> If all of your 7960's are behind nat boxes, then change the above
> line to "nat_enable: 1" would be okay.

One could move the nat_enable line to each phone's SIP<MACADDR>.cnf.

How about the nat_address line? How does one set this? To the actual 
exposed address?

Also, what does nat_received_processing do?

Finally, what NAT router are you using?


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