[Asterisk-Users] DTMF and ivr systems

Michael George george at mutualdata.com
Thu Jun 29 12:52:44 MST 2006

On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 10:42:05AM -0700, Shane wrote:
> Ther's probably a simple answer to this but I've searched
> around and haven't located anything as yet.  Is there a way
> to have DTMF tones passed through Asterisk without it
> messing with them?  I am using a tdm21b card and when I
> call an ivr system from the telephone handset (routed over
> sip or iax2) such as telebanking, the ivr has trouble
> recognizing tones.  When I tested this with a remote party,
> I was told tones were breaking up.  For example, a long
> press would result in a click, some silence and a small
> dtmf on the remote end.  Triggering a speed dial didn't go
> well either as he heard only a few tones.  I have
> dtmfmode=inband in sip.conf and have tried relaxdtmf=yes in
> zapata.conf.
> I realize Asterisk does need to detect dtmf for things like
> call parking but can it just pass the audio to the other
> side with no regard for whether it's dtmf digits?  IE. long
> press results in long tone, etc.

We've run into some problems with * and dtmf.  *Usually* dialing the
digits more slowly will help.  It seems to be worse with some SIP
devices than others.  But when calling from my handset on an FXS to my *
system which goes IAX2 to another * system and then out a VoIP service
line, I can dial as fast as my fingers can go and never miss...  snoms
and sipuras on the latter system can have trouble if we dial too


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