[Asterisk-Users] Trixbox maunual configuration
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
Wed Jun 28 05:55:12 MST 2006
On 07:23, Wed 28 Jun 06, Jordan Novak wrote:
> I love the added apps installed with trixbox, ARI, Web-Meetme, FOP, and
> Reports are great. FreePBX on the other hand, is nearly impossible to do
> everything with. Trying to edit the configs manually proves impossible
> due to the excessive use of includes and macros. It is kind of like
> watching someone try to bite their own ear off. Has anybody tried to
> wipe all the configs clean and program the switch manually. Will this
> interfere with the other apps. I would wipe out extensions.conf,
> voicemail.conf, IAX.conf SIP.conf queues.conf and agents.conf. I do not
> want to use the FreePBX again after this. I am not trying to put down
> FreePBX, I know a lot of people have worked very hard on this. It just
> over complicates things for me.
They are all seperate opensource packages. None of them
depend on eachother.
We use FOP, ARI and Reports (areski stats) here too without FreePBX.
Simply download them and look at their README/INSTALL files.
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
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