[Asterisk-Users] Playing sound before dialing

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Sat Jun 24 16:26:21 MST 2006


I have configured asterisk now with ENUM lookups which are working
really perfect.

Now I want to play a small soundfile before dial the number to inform
the caller which protocl is used (SIP, IAX2 or ISDN).

How can I do this?
With Playback it doesn't seems to work:
; with leading 3 using IAX-sipport
exten => s,1,NoOp(Dialing ${DIALSTR} with iax2-sipport-out)
exten => s,2,Answer
exten => s,3,Playback(forwarded-iax)
exten => s,4,Dial(IAX2/portunity-out/${DIALSTR},,trRg)
exten => s,5,return

Best regards,


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