[Asterisk-Users] Queues and macros and agents

Julian Lyndon-Smith asterisk at dotr.com
Tue Jun 13 15:25:40 MST 2006

Many thanks  :)

I was currently trying to add a macro to app_queue.c (like Dial) but 
will now abandon with indecent haste and use this !


Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> ----- Julian Lyndon-Smith <asterisk at dotr.com> wrote:
>> Now, I want to be able to use a device, rather than agents. So I can
>> use 
>> addQueueMember and add my SIP device. However, I still want to do a 
>> couple of things before the device is called.
> This is what the Local channel (chan_local) is for.
> If your SIP device is called "myfancyphone", then instead of adding SIP/myfancyphone to the queue using AddQueueMember, add (instead) Local/myfancyphone at members, and then in your dialplan:
> [members]
> exten => myfancyphone,1,...
> exten => myfancyphone,n,...
> exten => myfancyphone,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})

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