[Asterisk-Users] Simple Speeddial AGI

Marnus van Niekerk m at mjvn.net
Thu Jun 8 01:40:44 MST 2006


I am looking for a simple php agi script that locates a speeddial number 
in a MySQL database and then dials that number.


exten => 01,1,Noop(speeddial 01)
exten => 01,2,Agi(do database lookup on 01 and finds $NUMBERTODIAL)
exten => 01,3,Goto($NUMBERTODIAL,1)

Anybody know if something like this exists or should I start from scratch.




"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is
dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Thomas Alva Edison - Inventor of 1093 patents,
including the light bulb, phonogram and motion pictures.

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