[Asterisk-Users] Prices of g729 codec

Matt Riddell (IT) matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Mon Jun 5 07:36:07 MST 2006

> So honestly now, Sahil, what did you guys do that was so different?  It 
> *really* pisses me off when people like you give a half-assed, half-baked 
> "digium sucks" post.  If you've got an honest beef with Digium, then sure, 
> lay it all out, but don't present half the fucking story and then bitch about 
> how the big bad Digium beat you up and stole your lunch money.
> ... just like my kids...  "Waaaah, Joshua hit me!"  "Yeah but you've been 
> bugging the shit out of him for the last 5 minutes and he asked you nicely to 
> stop twice.  I'd have hit you too, Katie."


:) So eloquently put!


Matt Riddell

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