[Asterisk-Users] Voice Mail or MWI notify as a (windows) tray icon

Mike Gach mike at tweedman.com
Thu Jun 1 11:37:48 MST 2006

We have just gone live on a 12 FXO 36 FXS Asterisk (A at H 2.8) PBX.
(Hooray for us.)

I have asked google.com and voip-info.org, but may not have asked the
question correctly. The long version of the question is as follows:

Is there a utility that runs in the MS Windows tool tray that will show
the status of the Voice Mail INBOX for extension 123. Maybe something like
a green dot for no Voice Mail, and red dot for new Voice Mail with the
number of Voice Mails as a mouse over.

Thank you for any references or direction.
Mike G

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