[asterisk-users] Digium TE110P IRQ

Massimo Nuvoli massimo at archivio.it
Sat Jul 22 00:42:14 MST 2006

Lincoln Zuljewic Silva ha scritto:
> Hello all. I have a Digium TE110P board and when I do a "zap show
> status" on CLI I get:
> Description                                                    Alarms   
>    IRQ    bpviol    CRC4
> Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0        OK                0        0
>          0
> IRQ = 0 ?

IRQ=0 means "missed irq", or if you prefer, IRQ problem = 0, or "NO

If this number grows (>0) at this point you can think "ouch! there is
a problem!".

But, after looking this, you can see your PRI going crazy.

Bye. :-)

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