[asterisk-users] Two phone numbers, one SIP provider

Benjamin Stocker bstocker at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 05:47:22 MST 2006

2006/7/21, Filip Drągowski <f.dragowski at ontp.net>:
>  Diffrent context:
>  [default]
>  1111 => goto(1111|s|1)
>  2222 => goto(2222|s|1)
>  then You can hadle incoming calls in diffrent contexts

Thanks for the solution. This would be really a way to solve the
problem. Storing number=context pairs in the Asterisk database could
be another solution:


and then retrieve the context in the dialplan:


Anyway, I stil won't give up trying to relay incoming calls *directly*
to a context by defining a sip account similar to this:

type=friend ; (or peer or user)
context=incoming-1111 ; <= <= Go to this context on incoming calls

According to [1], it should work:

context= <context_name> : If type=user, the Context for the inbound
call from this SIP user definition. If type=peer, the Context in the
dialplan for outbound calls from this SIP peer definition. If
type=friend the context used for both inbound and outbound calls
through the SIP entities definition. If no type=user entry matches an
inbound call, then a type=peer or type=friend will match if the
hostname or IP address defined in host= matches.

1. http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+config+sip.conf

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