[asterisk-users] Hitting # to Transfer out of a Queue

Nic Bellamy nicb-lists at vadacom.co.nz
Mon Jul 17 15:48:13 MST 2006

Andres wrote:

> Douglas Garstang wrote:
>> I have dialled into a Queue, and an agent has answered the call with 
>> AgentcallbackLogin().
>> The agent hits #1, to transfer the call. Asterisk responds with 
>> 'Transfer', followed by dial tone.
>> As soon as I enter a digit, Asterisk responds with 'I am sorry. That 
>> is not a valid extension'
>> This is working for regular user-user dialling, not going through 
>> Queues. The queue app has Tt passed to it.
> You have to figure out what context the transfer is trying to use.  In 
> your case, the context does not have the extension your are dialing.  
> First look at what context the agent is in, maybe thats the one being 
> used.

... and when you find the correct context (a 'set verbose 99' before 
attempting the transfer should help you track it down - if it doesn't 
show you anything in the console, check the logs), you'll need to tell 
it what the correct context is.

You do this by setting the TRANSFER_CONTEXT channel variable before 
going into the queue, eg.

exten => s,1,Set(__TRANSFER_CONTEXT=from-internal)
exten => s,n,Queue(foo,rt)

(Whether the '__' prefix to make the variable inheritable is required 
will depend on your dialplan, but it Works For Me(tm).)


Nic Bellamy,
Head Of Engineering, Vadacom Ltd - http://www.vadacom.co.nz/

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