[asterisk-users] Again on ISDN - MSN in Italy

Andrea Spadaccini a.spadaccini at mediatechnologies.it
Fri Jul 14 07:38:19 MST 2006

Ciao Giorgio,

> Hi Andrea,
> maybe you set "fromuser=" field inside your sip.conf??

Right now I'm not at work, so I don't have an Asterisk box at hand, but
voip-info.org seems to suggest that "fromuser" is a sip-only option:

<quote from="Asterisk config sip.conf">
fromuser = <from_ID> : Specify user to put in "from" instead of
   callerid (overrides the callerid) when placing calls _to_ peer
   (another SIP proxy). Valid only for type=peer

And again:

<quote from="Asterisk sip fromuser">
This is used when calling TO this peer FROM asterisk. 

Thanks for your answer,

Andrea Spadaccini
Multimedia Technologies Institute s.r.l.

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