[asterisk-users] Re: $3,000 server

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Wed Jul 12 17:36:38 MST 2006

Jeremy McNamara wrote:
> Gonzalo Servat wrote:
>> He is not doing a very good job, Jeremy. For starters I sincerely
>> doubt he actually paid anyone $3,000. He sounds like somebody just
>> trying to defame NuFone for the fun of it. Also, the more he writes,
>> the more I think he's an idiot (much like Robert). He clearly shows
>> his lack of intelligence in his e-mails. I wouldn't pay anyone $3,000
>> without first having written confirmation of the work that will be
>> performed, who and where the person works, and other accompanying info
>> to avoid being "ripped off".
> I agree, but I could not stand for any more of this blatant disregard 
> for the truth.
> Now it is time for the legal types to get involved so the truth can be 
> discovered and disclosed in a proper forum.
> Jeremy McNamara
Jeremy always threatens to sue.  He threatened me too.   I provided him 
with my council's contact info and waited and waited....

Don't worry about him or Nufone.  They are getting what has been long 

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