[asterisk-users] Which Fax Solution really works on IAX or SIP?

Lee Howard faxguy at howardsilvan.com
Mon Jul 10 08:55:48 MST 2006

Zeeshan Zakaria wrote:

> I am trying to setup fax on my phone system. Which fax-to-email and 
> email-to-fax solution really works on IAX and SIP?

Due to the way that your question has been asked I assume that you're 
talking about IAX or SIP over a latent internet connection to some VoIP 
provider... or between your own Asterisk systems through latent internet 
connections.  And in that case the answer is that there is no fax 
solution that will "really" work.

If you want fax to "really" work then you need to pass the audio over a 
medium that will not corrupt that audio before it gets to the receiver.  
Run-of-the-mill internet-strewn VoIP connections are not suitable.


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