[Asterisk-Users] No audio? Update your Asterisk

Steve Gladden Asterisk at MichiganBroadband.com
Sun Jan 29 04:30:47 MST 2006

Sure enough we lost ALL sip-sip audio on 1-25

Pulled my hair out for hours before looking here or at the website
to find this problem reported...

Very greatful to find this I have upgraded to 1.2.3 but
still have no sip-sip audio!


Now I'm back to contnued hair pulling what culd I possible be missing?

Have started over re-compiled and reinstalled
rebooted, tried it all over again -- yet cannot get
any audio between sip phones on the LAN!

I must be doing something stupid but what???!

Any pointers appreciated!



Vontage*CLI> show version
Asterisk 1.2.3 built by root @ Vontage on a i686 running Linux on
2006-01-29 10:38:54 UTC
Vontage*CLI> show version files
File                      Revision
----                      --------
func_callerid.c           Revision: 7221
cdr_custom.c              Revision: 7221
cdr_manager.c             Revision: 7221
cdr_csv.c                 Revision: 7221
format_g723.c             Revision: 7221
format_jpeg.c             Revision: 7221
format_au.c               Revision: 7221
format_sln.c              Revision: 7221
format_ilbc.c             Revision: 7221
format_g726.c             Revision: 7221
format_h263.c             Revision: 7221
format_pcm_alaw.c         Revision: 7819
format_g729.c             Revision: 7221
format_pcm.c              Revision: 7819
format_vox.c              Revision: 7221
format_wav_gsm.c          Revision: 7221
format_wav.c              Revision: 7221
format_gsm.c              Revision: 7221
codec_g726.c              Revision: 7221
codec_a_mu.c              Revision: 7221
codec_alaw.c              Revision: 7221
codec_ulaw.c              Revision: 7221
codec_adpcm.c             Revision: 7221
codec_lpc10.c             Revision: 7221
codec_gsm.c               Revision: 7221
codec_ilbc.c              Revision: 7221
app_sms.c                 Revision: 7634
app_page.c                Revision: 7274
app_zapscan.c             Revision: 7221
app_zapbarge.c            Revision: 7221
app_flash.c               Revision: 7221
app_meetme.c              Revision: 8194
app_zapras.c              Revision: 7221
app_mixmonitor.c          Revision: 7740
app_directed_pickup.c     Revision: 7550
app_externalivr.c         Revision: 7634
app_dictate.c             Revision: 7221
app_settransfercapability Revision: 7221
app_chanspy.c             Revision: 7740
app_readfile.c            Revision: 7221
app_md5.c                 Revision: 7221
app_setrdnis.c            Revision: 7221
app_while.c               Revision: 7221
app_waitforsilence.c      Revision: 7605
app_dumpchan.c            Revision: 7221
app_realtime.c            Revision: 7221
app_math.c                Revision: 7221
app_forkcdr.c             Revision: 7221
app_test.c                Revision: 7221
app_verbose.c             Revision: 7221
app_userevent.c           Revision: 7221
app_alarmreceiver.c       Revision: 7221
app_talkdetect.c          Revision: 7221
app_controlplayback.c     Revision: 7221
app_txtcidname.c          Revision: 7221
app_groupcount.c          Revision: 7221
app_exec.c                Revision: 7221
app_sendtext.c            Revision: 7221
app_nbscat.c              Revision: 7221
pp_eval.c                Revision: 7221
app_ices.c                Revision: 7221
app_random.c              Revision: 7221
app_setcdruserfield.c     Revision: 7221
app_read.c                Revision: 7221
app_cut.c                 Revision: 7497
app_sayunixtime.c         Revision: 7221
app_hasnewvoicemail.c     Revision: 7608
app_cdr.c                 Revision: 7221
app_setcidnum.c           Revision: 7221
app_transfer.c            Revision: 7221
app_enumlookup.c          Revision: 7221
app_chanisavail.c         Revision: 7221
app_db.c                  Revision: 7221
app_privacy.c             Revision: 7771
app_waitforring.c         Revision: 7221
app_lookupblacklist.c     Revision: 7221
app_softhangup.c          Revision: 7221
app_authenticate.c        Revision: 7221
app_macro.c               Revision: 7221
app_lookupcidname.c       Revision: 7221
app_setcidname.c          Revision: 7221
app_parkandannounce.c     Revision: 7221
app_senddtmf.c            Revision: 7221
app_queue.c               Revision: 8445
app_festival.c            Revision: 8140
app_setcallerid.c         Revision: 7221
app_zapateller.c          Revision: 7221
app_milliwatt.c           Revision: 8232
app_getcpeid.c            Revision: 7221
app_adsiprog.c            Revision: 7221
app_disa.c                Revision: 7221
app_url.c                 Revision: 7221
app_image.c               Revision: 7221
app_record.c              Revision: 7221
app_echo.c                Revision: 7221
app_system.c              Revision: 7221
app_mp3.c                 Revision: 7221
app_directory.c           Revision: 7221
app_voicemail.c           Revision: 7999
app_playback.c            Revision: 7221
app_dial.c                Revision: 8608
chan_zap.c                Revision: 8573
chan_phone.c              Revision: 7221
chan_oss.c                Revision: 7221
chan_features.c           Revision: 7221
chan_skinny.c             Revision: 7221
chan_local.c              Revision: 7270
chan_iax2.c               Revision: 8320
iax2-parser.c             Revision: 7221
iax2-provision.c          Revision: 7221
chan_mgcp.c               Revision: 7221
chan_agent.c              Revision: 8047
chan_sip.c                Revision: 8562
pbx_functions.c           Revision: 7221
pbx_ael.c                 Revision: 7577
pbx_realtime.c            Revision: 7221
pbx_loopback.c            Revision: 7221
pbx_dundi.c               Revision: 7634
dundi-parser.c            Revision: 7221
pbx_spool.c               Revision: 7908
pbx_config.c              Revision: 7831
res_crypto.c              Revision: 7221
res_features.c            Revision: 8134
res_agi.c                 Revision: 7557
res_adsi.c                Revision: 7221
res_monitor.c             Revision: 7634
res_indications.c         Revision: 7221
res_musiconhold.c         Revision: 7221
io.c                      Revision: 7221
sched.c                   Revision: 7221
logger.c                  Revision: 8124
frame.c                   Revision: 7221
loader.c                  Revision: 8162
config.c                  Revision: 7634
channel.c                 Revision: 8632
translate.c               Revision: 7965
file.c                    Revision: 7915
say.c                     Revision: 7221
pbx.c                     Revision: 8418
cli.c                     Revision: 7634
md5.c                     Revision: 7221
term.c                    Revision: 7221
ulaw.c                    Revision: 7221
alaw.c                    Revision: 7221
callerid.c                Revision: 7221
fskmodem.c                Revision: 7221
image.c                   Revision: 7221
app.c                     Revision: 7970
cdr.c                     Revision: 7521
tdd.c                     Revision: 7221
acl.c                     Revision: 7221
rtp.c                     Revision: 7233
manager.c                 Revision: 7870
asterisk.c                Revision: 8600
dsp.c                     Revision: 7221
chanvars.c                Revision: 7221
indications.c             Revision: 7221
autoservice.c             Revision: 7221
db.c                      Revision: 7899
privacy.c                 Revision: 7221
enum.c                    Revision: 7221
srv.c                     Revision: 7221
dns.c                     Revision: 7221
utils.c                   Revision: 7468
plc.c                     Revision: 7221
jitterbuf.c               Revision: 7221
dnsmgr.c                  Revision: 7221
devicestate.c             Revision: 7221
netsock.c                 Revision: 7221
slinfactory.c             Revision: 7221

> On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 14:10 -0600, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
>> Aaron Daniel wrote:
>> > We had the bug on 1.2.2, but when I rolled back to 1.2.1 to fix the
>> > problem, everything started working.  Doesn't seem like it's a bug in
>> > 1.2.1 :)
>> It is not. The bug was introduced during the 1.2.1->1.2.2 transition.
> Observation ...
> Had a problem with asterisk 1.2 trunk from approx 10 Dec, (from memory),
> when the problem occurred, a restart of asterisk did not fix it, and a
> reboot of the machine still did not fix it. A svn update and restart of
> asterisk still did not fix it.
> I wonder, was it really only 2^22 seconds, or how exactly did that
> work?? I really was quite stumped when it happened, since nobody had
> changed anything for ages...
> Anyway, thankfully it broke at 4:30pm, and everyone went home at 5pm
> (the after hours announce only and hangup was working), so I left it
> until the next day. A few debug attempts, and a login to IRC, and
> suddenly the solution was shouting at me (in the subject/title of the
> IRC channel to svn update).
> Mainly was confused as to why a asterisk + zaptel restart and a reboot
> didn't fix the problem (even just temporarily)?
> Regards,
> Adam
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