[Asterisk-Users] CALLERIDNUM::3 do not working on 1.2.1

Shidan shidan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 16:03:26 MST 2006

> It was _never_ documented that you could skip a numeric parameter for
> the substring functionality and expect it to work properly. If it did,
> you got lucky. When it stopped, you got unlucky.

Apart from the source code and its comments whats the official
"documentation of Astreisk.

I know theres the asteriskdocs project, a great site to learn from, 
and I am good friends with its founders. Then there's the Wiki that's
absolutely the best resource on Asterisk. But both of these sites
amalgamate to people who spent lots of their time and creativity
learning and documenting Asterisk from trial and error and other
peoples experiences, at least for the most part. Guides and maps
definitely they are. But, I really hope that none of these are Digiums
official documentation of Asterisk's dial plan. The example dial plans
are nice but everyone that uses asterisk knows that 90% of its appeal
is that its a toolbox that lets you do things with it using some
creativity. So since people do create really neat apps. with commands
in a novel way not documented in the examples, it makes sense to keep
their interface similar or at least announce if it has changed.

Don't get me wrong I don't think anyone who releases open source
software is obligated to give official binding documentation on how to
use it. Just the act of releasing it open source is generous and a
huge boon in itself and Digium certainly doesn't owe anyone anything
for their generous contribution.

But, when you imply "that's your problem because it wasn't
documented", I would really like to know where this official
documentation is apart from reading the source code. Most successful
Asterisk based operations are novel and creative hacks, not structured
formulas that follow any official documentation.

Shidan Gouran

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