[OFFLIST] Re: [Asterisk-Users] run with incorrect E1/T1 jumper settings

Micke Andersson micke at party.pp.se
Tue Feb 28 08:29:05 MST 2006

Robert Andersson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed an TE110P but forgot to change the jumper
> settings to E1. I don't have easy physical access to ther server
> at the moment so I wonder if it will be possible to run it without changing
> the jumper settings with a configuration like below or will it be
> impossible
> to use the card at all before I fix the jumper? I can't try it myself yet
> since the operator isn't ready yet, but I would like to know in advance
> if it is impossible.
> bchan=1-15,17-24
> dchan=16
> instead of
> bchan=1-15,17-31
> dchan=16
> best regards
> Robert


Fick du det att fungera?

Jag är lite osäker om det går att tvinga det.  Såg något svar på listan 
där, men jag har faktiskt aldrig provat det själv.

/Mvh  Micke

Mikael Andersson
dCAp Certified

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