[Asterisk-Users] one way / irratic voice over iax and g729

Alejandro Vargas alejandro.anv at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 02:55:01 MST 2006

2006/2/17, Ben Dinnerville <bdinnerv at gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> We are experiencing a a problem when running calls over IAX with g.729.
> The call flow is as follows:
> Sip handset -(SIP)> Asterisk1 -(IAX)> Asterisk2 -(SIP)> Carrier

if you are calling asterisk-to-asterisk, you should try speex
compression. In my tests, speex had the better quality even with low
bandwidth or bandwidth very occuped by other applications (p2p).

Alejandro Vargas

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