[Asterisk-Users] RE: X100P help required

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Wed Feb 8 06:21:05 MST 2006

>               I m joined this asterisk group few months back. Actually i have installed asterisk 
on my PC and using X100P PSTN
> interface card to make this PC work as a single line VoIP gateway.
> Now i have one problem which is as follows:
> As i told i m using X100P card. I am getting good quality of speech from it whenever i m making 
call or receiving call through it.
> Now I have installed Soft X-Lite ip phone on 3 pc's. Now whenever i make call from analog phone 
to any IP phone, we can
> talk. After finishing talk I hang up the  analog phone. Now when just after 2-3 mins when i want 
to make call to any IP phone,
> from my analog phone i m getting "engaged tone". I have to restart my asterisk server, to  come 
out of that "engaged tone" .
> Now evertime i cant restart asterisk server. I usually uses following commands to start asterisk 
server each time:
> first "safe_asterisk" then "asterisk -r".
> So i m confused now, why this is happening?
> 1) Am i starting asterisk server in wrong way?
> or 2) Is there any problem with X100P card?
> Where i m wrong, i m not getting?
> hope all of u will help me to solve this problem.

Starting asterisk with "safe_asterisk" is fine. Use "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"
and watch the command line when placing / hanging up a call, and post the
results here. (Without some clue as to how you have this configured, no one
is going to be able help.)

What version of asterisk are you using? (show version from the command line)

Copy / paste your definitions for the x100p card (zapata.conf), definitions
for the sip phones (sip.conf), and the appropriate sections of extensions.conf
and post those to this list.

Also, it might be helpful to know what country your in (which pstn provider).

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