[Asterisk-Users] Slightly OT: OpenPBX.org and Freeswitch

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Thu Feb 2 14:22:39 MST 2006

Michael Collins a écrit :

> This is slightly OT in that it isn’t specifically *-related, but I was 
> wondering what the members of the * user community felt about these 
> two subjects. I’ve been perusing the OpenPBX.org mail list and the 
> current hot topic is the fact that their project has come to a 
> grinding halt. They are concerned that they don’t have enough people 
> working on their project. They feel that * has improved since the fork 
> but they still have the same complaints: the Asterisk core is a “pig,” 
> the core is huge and messy with ugly code, and finally that Asterisk 
> development is throttled by the “Digistapo.”
Please take your big hairy troll back home. Keep this for the IRC or 
your local LUG beer ranting.

Jean-Michel Hiver - http://ykoz.net/
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