[Asterisk-Users] 5,000 concurrent calls system rollout question

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Wed Feb 1 17:34:15 MST 2006

--On February 2, 2006 9:55:15 AM +1100 Boris Bakchiev 
<boris at jildent.com.au> wrote:

>> The main sever is still connected via IP, correct?
>> Does not matter if you use * for media gateways or an APX8000 - the
> only
>> trunking options to get to the main box are IP based.
> Are seriously going to tell me that a quad xeon/opteron would not handle
> traffic from 4xGIG cards?? :)

Probably not no.  Especially not if you're not using special IRQ load 
balancing software.  Xeon especially not since all teh CPUs share a FSB. 
The opteron *might* if the motherboard were designed such that the multiple 
pci busses terminated at multiple procs, and each proc had local memory 
attached to it.  Then you might be able to approach that rate.

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