[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.4.0 (release) and G.729

Thomas Kenyon digium at sanguinarius.co.uk
Tue Dec 26 17:54:57 MST 2006

Carlos Alperin wrote:
> No, I didn't said a new machine.
Sorry, misunderstanding, when you said new system I read that as new 

> I have a license with 23 active channels for G.729 for testing purposes.
> I only erase the old configuration before recompile it, since I was doing
> tests with the beta-2 release where the license was working.
> So, the only thing I didn't delete was the /licenses directory
> (/var/lib/asterisk/licenses).
> I'm using an AMD Athlon Dual 3800, so I'm using the 64 bits x86_64 code.
> After finishing installing everything, however I put back the codec &
> formatxx.so files on /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
> And then go the console, I don't see any reference to G.729 on the list.
Which formatxx.so files did you copy back? The new installation should 
have created a new format_g729.so. (if not, check with make menuselect 
that it is in fact selected to compile).

Did you see the module loading messages in /var/log/asterisk/messages?

Does show modules like g729 report that they are loaded?

If the above is untrue, does module load codec_g729a.so produce an error ?

> And when I go to translation options I have no reference to any translation
> going to or from G729.
When codec_g729.so loads the translation paths for to and from slin, 
there shouild be a line like the following in /var/log/asterisk/messages.

   == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 4
   == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 19
  Loaded codec_g729a.so => (Annex A/B (floating point) G.729 Codec 
(optimized for x86_64))

> Thanks 
I'm just hoping someone comes along and tells me that It's a known bug, 
otherwise I'll probably end up spending a day trying to track down 
what's wrong.

Oh, and if everything I've written above reads as utter bollocks, please 
remember that I did write it at 1am.

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