[asterisk-users] 2 devices using same sip account

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Tue Dec 19 15:58:32 MST 2006

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Carla Schroder wrote:

> Your phones only register once, when they first start up. Seems to me that
> having multiple phones on the same account is asking for trouble- why not set
> up multiple accounts in the usual way, and create a ring group for all the
> phones you want to use? Like this example that rings two phones at the same
> time:
> exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102,30,t)
> exten => 100,2,VoiceMail(100 at local-users)
> There are all kinds of fancy variations on this theme, but the idea is the
> same: one user with many phones, one extension, one voicemail box.

I've been setting up a few systems recently with a SIP account and an IAX 
account (same passwords, CLI, etc.) and having the users use a SIP 
hardphone for the office desk, and an IAX (idefisk) softphone for 
out-of-office calls. (My Dial() calls both accounts, so both phones ring)

It saves hassles with NAT, etc. for remote SIP phones too.

No good if you only have SIP phones though!


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