[asterisk-users] Re: AEL2 on Asterisk 1.2.4

Lee lee at datatrakpos.com
Tue Dec 19 12:04:01 MST 2006

Steve Murphy wrote:
> Lee, everyone--
> Sorry about that. I've created a patches subdir in the AEL2-1.2
> repository, and put that patch down in there. So, now, you do:
> svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/murf/AEL2-1.2/patches
> and then

Excellent!  Thank you.  I will try this.

> Again, you 1.2 users: It is not absolutely necessary to update your 1.2
> installation to use AEL with 1.2; you can build a 1.4 somewhere, and use
> the AEL in 1.4 to compile your extensions.ael into an extensions.conf
> file via
> aelparse -d -w
> This will generate the file 'extensions.conf.aeldump', which you can
> inspect and then copy into your appropriate /etc/asterisk directory on
> the machine where your 1.2 installation resides.
> The main thing to watch out for in this scenario, is that AEL uses a
> slightly enhanced version of the $[] parser to do its thing. If you
> don't use the new features, you should be quite OK.

Great idea.

Thanks again,


Warm Regards,


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