[asterisk-users] 1.4 sounds long space before and after prompt

Gil Kloepfer astr-usr at kloepfer.org
Sun Dec 17 13:24:09 MST 2006

Is anyone else finding in the new audio files that the longer space
at the beginning and end of the files tends to be extremely irritating?
An excellent example is when going into voicemail and Allison says how
many messages you have, the space between the files is annoyingly long:

   you have ...... four ...... old ...... messages


  first ...... message ...... received ..... July ..... twenty ...... second

Under the old sound files, this continuity was still a little long,
but workable.  The new sound files make these positively sound like
a computer playing individual files rather than a continuous sentence. 

If I release these sound files as they are to my users, they are going
to revolt.  They already complain about the old Octel VM system prompts
being played back too slowly and these are much slower than that.

I mentioned this a while back when the new sounds were in beta, but
haven't seen anything more about it.  So either this says something
about my and my users' level of patience, I'm missing something
that changed between 1.2 and 1.4 that could fix this, or the
focus has been on lower-level issues with 1.4 than on the sound files.

With the new higher-quality sound files, I could manually edit all
the offending files (there are lots of them) and correct what I perceive
to be a problem.  However, if this is a common enough complaint, maybe
others would want to help as well, and we could get the "fixed" files
put back into core Asterisk.

Note that this doesn't appear to be a problem with the speed of the
sound files as some others have experienced.  The tempo is probably okay,
and the pitch is fine.  It's the spacing between files that's the issue
I'm talking about.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Gil Kloepfer
astr-usr at kloepfer.org

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