[asterisk-users] (no subject)

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Thu Dec 14 11:48:12 MST 2006

At 05:23 AM 12/14/2006, you wrote:
>Should I just get 2 or 3 X100P cards?  Or do
>I need the Sangoma A20200 or even the A20200D (Echo cancelation)...

When I started down this path I choose the TDM04 and have always had 
occasional echo issues, not bad and not often, but it annoys the wife 
and one of these days I'll sell the TDM04 and replace it with the 
A20002D so I have hardware echo cancellation.  Someone else a few 
months back said the same thing about all the small business 
installations he did because he just didn't want to have complaints 
and the extra $300 was a small price to pay for peace of mind.

All that said, I don't have the Sangoma card yet and have never seen 
one so I could be blowing smoke!


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