[asterisk-users] Realtime +Mysql +Failover

David Thomas punknow at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 11:36:43 MST 2006

On 12/13/06, Rob Schall <rschall at callone.net> wrote:
> Hoping someone out there has run into this or has some ideas for us.
> We currently have asterisk set up with Realtime (using mysql) for its
> extensions,sip and voicemail files.
> The problem we are trying to solve, is one of a failover mechanism. What
> if our mysql server went down.
> Can Realtime be set up with a secondary mysql server to get its data
> from. We can set up mysql to sync with its fellow server, and maybe when
> it goes down, it couldn't make any changes (write), but either way, you
> could still get the extension info, etc, so your phones would still
> survive a mysql outage.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Rob

I don't think Realtime can be setup with a secondary server (someone
please correct me if I'm wrong).

Two possibilities come to mind...

1. You can run MySQL in an HA arangement with on box as the hot standby.
2. If you can allow for ocassional asterisk reloads, you could use
Realtime Static


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