[asterisk-users] Auto answer when already on a call

Carlos Chavez cursor at telecomabmex.com
Tue Dec 12 10:04:11 MST 2006

	I have a customer that has Aastra phones on an Asterisk 1.2.13 system.
The big boss want to be able to interrupt someones phone even if they
are in the middle of a call.  What he wants is basically that when he
dials the busy extension that he gets on the speaker so he can say
something to that person.

	I tried to use the example from the paging section of the Wiki and if
there is no other call on the phone then I can get directly on the
speaker.  But if that phone already has another call then it gives me a
busy tone.  The phone can handle at least 3 calls (Aastra 9133i) and if
I make a regular call I do get into the second line.

	Is there a way to make the phone auto answer on speaker and
interrupting the first call?

Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
Carlos Chàvez Prats
Director de Tecnologìa
+52-55-91169161 ext 2001
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