[asterisk-users] Re: What's up with the Manager Interface?!?!

Richard Lyman pchammer at dynx.net
Fri Dec 8 13:26:01 MST 2006

Steve Murphy wrote:
> I've been fixing manager bugs here and there, and am willing to take on
> any manager issues out there, for 1.4, and trunk, especially, so as to
> have things nice and solid for 1.4 before it gets out of beta.
> Richard-- I'll lab up
> 1.4 and see if I can get the hiccups you mention.

given the differences between the 1.2 and 1.4 manager interfaces, i am 
not sure how much this will help...

i just modified my application to tail the last 20 lines of asterisk 
debug (verbose 3), asterisk messages, and my applications debug log to 
another log. 
(at one site)

this *should* make it a little easier for me to track down the 'hiccup' 

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