[asterisk-users] Question about Realtime static table

Tielin Xu TIELXU01 at noa.nintendo.com
Tue Dec 5 16:23:16 MST 2006

Hi All:

I'd like to use Realtime Static in terms of the performance concern
about dynamic realtime. Assume that I create a table:
as following:
CREATE TABLE `extensions_table` ( 
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 
 `context` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', 
 `exten` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', 
 `priority` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', 
 `app` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', 
 `appdata` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', 
 PRIMARY KEY  (`context`,`exten`,`priority`), 
 KEY `id` (`id`) 

Can anyone help me how to add variable names and values into the



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