[asterisk-users] Issues

Arlen Nascimento arlen.nascimento at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 08:56:36 MST 2006

Dear all,

sometimes very strange things happen in * server at the office where i
work. E.g. sometimes a call is committed but it suddenly hangs up.
Like this output shows:

Executing Dial("SIP/502-9823", "Zap/7/.xxxxxxxx|60|Tt") in new stack
   -- Called 7/.xxxxxxxx
   -- Zap/7-1 answered SIP/502-9823
   -- Hungup 'Zap/7-1'

This problems most happen with the fax and pos machines that are
connected to a handytone 286. I've already look for these on google in
some many ways, but i couldn't find nothing interesting.
I'am using Asterisk CVS-v1-0-09

Thanks in advance

Arlen Nascimento

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