[asterisk-users] Re: 200+ analog phones connected to FXS modules

Csibra Gergo gergo at csibra.hu
Mon Dec 4 07:45:32 MST 2006

Monday, December 4, 2006, 12:18:16 PM, Benny Amorsen wrote:

>>>>>> "CG" == Csibra Gergo <gergo at csibra.hu> writes:
CG>> Well, the data bandwidth is only one. The irq is the other, and
CG>> that is the bottleneck.

> You get 1000 interrupts per second. If that's a bottleneck then
> there's something fundamentally wrong with your system.

Well, I think there's far more htan 1000 interrupts come from an T1/E1
card. Or do you think 1000/channel?

Best regards,
 Csibra Gergo                            mailto:gergo at csibra.hu

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